Thursday, September 28, 2006

Without You ...

Whew! Sorry for the long blog absence. Life kind of got in the way of things. But, I’m back. And what better way than to acknowledge a very special person’s birthday today.

Here goes, in no particular order.

Without you …

... I'd still be curling my lips in disgust at things I don’t approve of. Whenever I catch myself being judgmental, your words come back to remind me.

... M's blood pressure wouldn't be the lowest it's been in years.

... I wouldn't know the secret to drinking, thus I'd never know what it feels like to be the sexiest, Soul Train dancer who ever lived, desired by every man in the club.

... I wouldn't have experienced the best birthday of my adult life.

... A. wouldn't be the happiest he's ever been, on the verge embracing a new life that you made happen.

... when a "great" idea hits, tears would fill my eyes as I stare at the silent phone, for there'd be no one squealing with excitement on the other end as if I hadn't shared a million “great” ideas before.

... R.L. wouldn't have anyone who thinks like he does or to discuss politics with.

... when the next Mr. Right-Gone-Wrong crushes my heart, there'd be no one calling him names while I sob, and then telling me what a wonderful person I am, that I am too good for him.

... no one would've made me stop my then-new Lexus to pick up the mangy dog, search for his owner, and feel the rush of relief because he'd been saved.

... there'd be no ongoing rescue of the ever-increasing number of "unique" animals with "special" needs and placement of them in the perfect homes.

... T. wouldn't be the smartest, most beautiful, most loved, most well-adjusted, being in the whole world, primed to accomplish spectacular things.

... there'd be no box filled with childish drawings of houses and princesses with "I love you" scrawled in block letters that I go through when I'm feeling down, that make me feel special.

... I would be a mother, for there would be no one to teach me that I am not mother material.

... cherished memories of daily coffee dates in Walnut Creek, shared secrets in Savannah, and salads in Atlanta would be replaced with memories of meaningless hours and loneliness.

Without you, I'd cry every day because there'd be an emptiness in my heart that only you can fill.

I love you. Happy Birthday!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Aphrodisia Book Club Contest Winner

I promised to announce the winner by 11:59 p.m. today and, well, like all my deadlines, I'm cutting it close to the wire. It's 11:45 p.m. as I type this. So ... do I at least get kudos for making it? LOL

Any-hoo, the winner of the FREE Aphrodisia Book Club Subscription is ...

(drum roll, please)

Cindy K. in Michigan.

Congratulations, Cindy. And thanks so much to all of you who took the time to read my excerpt from The Sex Lounge and enter the contest!